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Legislative Committee

Responsible for recommending the annual legislative agenda to the board of directors and they oversee its on-going implementations during the sessions of the Indiana General Assembly. Committee spots are filled and approved by the board of directors. All members are invited to join the weekly conference calls during session. Contact Jill Ewing for more information.

District 1 – Heather Ennis, Porter County (Co-Chair)
District 2 – Jeff Rea, St Joseph County
District 3 – Scott Naltner, Allen County
District 4 – Bill Dory, Putnam County (Vice Chair)
District 5 – Matt Eckerle, Marion County (Co-Chair)
District 6 – John McCane, Rush County
District 7 – Jacob Everett, Marion County
District 8 – Chris Pfaff - Knox County 
District 9 – Darrell Voelker, Harrison County
At-Large 1 – Wendy Dant Chesser – RiverRidge (Co-Chair)
At-Large 2 – Erin Schneider - Duke Energy
At-Large 3 – Christy Householder - Cass County
At-Large 4 – Corey Murphy – Henry County
At-Large 5 – Greg Wathen, Vanderburgh County

Ex-Officio – Bob Grewe - Dubois County
Ex-Officio – Emma Adlam - Baker Tilly
Ex-Officio – Christian Maslowski - Johnson County

Serving on the IEDA Legislative Committee is an appointed honor. Members of the Legislative Committee are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the IEDA Board of Directors.

Members serve on the IEDA Legislative Committee to advance the collective interests of IEDA members and the interest of economic development generally in Indiana before the Indiana General Assembly.

Members of the IEDA Legislative Committee are expected to provide counsel to IEDA’s lobbying advocates on behalf of the entire IEDA membership rather than any individual agenda benefitting a specific locale or project.

Because of the complexity of issues being considered by the Indiana General Assembly on which the Legislative Committee must act, committee members are compelled to read and consider information provided to them by IEDA advocates in a timely manner.

During the General Assembly months, committee meetings are typically conducted on Friday afternoons, either in person or via conference call. Committee members are expected to participate in at least 80% of these sessions.

Should issues arise where a committee members has a conflict with or direct interest in legislation being considered by the General Assembly, it is expected that the committee member will declare such conflict or interest and recuse him or herself from votes on the issue if requested to do so by a vote of committee members.

Committee meetings are confidential: this assures that members have the opportunity to discuss legislation openly. Discussions are confidential: decisions are not. Committee meetings are intended to provide a confidential forum for committee members to discuss and strategize regarding legislation. However, non-committee IEDA members can participate at the explicit discretion of the committee chair, vice-chair or IEDA CEO. All participants on committee calls will declare their participation by announcing their name and affiliation. Roll call will be taken.

Non-committee members may be asked to leave a call if the chair or vice-chair declares an executive session.

IEDA Legislative Committee members are selected from congressional districts in Indiana. This assures that there is adequate geographic representation on the committee. The committee will consist of 13 members: nine representing the congressional districts, and four at-large. Committee composition will be approved by the IEDA Board of Directors.

There is a chair and a vice chair. At least one of these positions should be held by a member of the IEDA board of directors.

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